Part 2
Genre: Interview
1: What does the chem club do to help people around TCU
2. So you help people not just at TCU but in Fort Worth in general, but in what sort of ways?
3. Would you say it helps the pre-med students by limiting stress and giving them joy?
4. What other stuff does the chem club do to help the community aside from helping young kids and helping pre-med students. What else are they known for?
5. Are there any parts of how the chem club acts that sets it apart from other clubs at TCU?
Mentor text talk
This music video taught me about composition in the way that it can be best to use real life family members instead of actors to have your message spread better. It additionally shows that you can understand the mood of someone based on the color displayed. At the beginning it was black and white because he didn’t realize he was focusing too much on the future instead of the present. At the end everything looked normal since he was living in the moment.
Introductory crot:
In the world of Pre-health it helps to laugh at the content that is making you struggle. TCU Chemistry Club helps lower the stress of students in this fashion. Goes to show that scavenger hunts in Sid Richardson can help one prepare. The professors behave like they are one of us since they are not in charge. The periodic table is always more fun to have around when it’s made of cupcakes.
Introductory crot revised:
In the world of pre-health it helps to laugh at the content that is making you struggle. TCU Chemistry Club helps lower the stress of students in this fashion. Goes to show that scavenger hunts in Sid Richardson can help one succeed. The professors behave at the club like they are just a normal member off the club. The periodic table is always more fun to have around when it’s made of cupcakes
Interview answers
1: “It provides a safe academic atmosphere for people with like-minded interests. Most of our volunteer work is aimed at helping those in our community including underprivileged children across the DFW area.”
2. “We have volunteer activities at four different elementary schools. These are kids that have not grown up in the best part of town, and maybe have never been told you can be anything you want growing up. Much of the kids grow up thinking they do not have a chance of being any of the things. When we come and introduce them to science we tell them they can be anything they want to be. The kids love it, and the after school programs help parents that are too busy with work to pick their kids up from school.”
3. “For sure. The kids run up to give us hugs. There is nothing better after taking an exam or needing a break than having 5 year olds run up to play with you.”
4. “this past week was national chemistry week. A bunch of students volunteered at the local science museum. Booths were set up to answer questions the community has related towards science, and just to serve them at the exam.” “There is also a main focus of green chemistry sponsored by our faculty. This focuses on renewable chemistry that is not bad for the environment. Let's say the organic chem lab needs aspirin. We have the general chemistry lab convert salicylic acid to aspirin. We are renewing things and cleaning up the environment. We saved one of the local elementary schools over ten thousand dollars of clean up fines by restocking and reorganizing their chemistry labs”
5. “We do not charge people because we do not want to turn them away if they can’t afford it. We want to invite everyone with a welcoming hand. We get no funding from the pre-health department nor the biology department or the chemistry department. We work as hard as we can to get money not to use for ourselves but to give back to the community.”
Peer edits
What can i clarify?
Clarify the text in the introduction so that the reader has a better idea of what they are about to read, less choppy.
Don't divide question 4 into two sub sets
Is there anything that stands out to you?
Very well written answers and good organization
Is there anything i should change?
Im not sure if this particularly matters to the goal of the assignment, but maybe make some minor edits to the grammar and punctuation of the text for clarity.
Is there anything I should reorganize?
​For your mentor text talk, instead of just having the link to the video, maybe include an image of when the video is in black and white and then another when it is in color.
Community visit
Chemistry club